Wire Haired Dachshund
Welcome To Our Dachshund Page, We Trust You Will Find All The Info You’re Looking for And Love Our Dachshund puppies.
Since the 1950s, Dachshunds have been consistently ranked near the top of lists of the most popular dogs because they make wonderful additions to any family, regardless of their size. Many loving nicknames for the breed have been coined as a result of their adorable appearance and energetic nature, including wiener dog, hot dog, sausage dog, Doxie, Dashie, and (particularly in Germany) Teckels, Dachels, or Dachsels. Long haired dachshund.
However, when you see a self-assured Dachshund, with his elongated head held high and a bold, intelligent expression in his eyes, you can’t help but smile. He is proudly carrying his long, muscular body on short legs. Cartoonists and toy manufacturers have long found Dachshunds to be a popular subject due to their almost comical appearance. Nevertheless, their adorable appearance was created for far more useful and important reasons. Their large chests provide them with plenty of “heart” for the fight, and their short legs allow them to dig and maneuver through tunnels to corner and even fight badgers and other animals. Although brave, dachshunds can be a little stubborn and have a strong sense of independence, especially when they’re out hunting.
The playful side of the Dachshund comes out at home. He enjoys spending time with kids or family and pretending to “help” you tie your shoes. Owing to his high level of intelligence, he frequently establishes his own playtime rules, which might differ from yours or those of other dog breeds. Dachshunds are renowned for being energetic dogs that like chasing toys, birds, and other small animals. Their personality is most likely best described by the breed standard, which is a written description of the ideal appearance and behavior for a Dachshund. It states that “the Dachshund is very clever, lively, and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below ground work, with all the senses well-developed.” Any timidity on display is a grave transgression.” Dachshunds have expressive faces and deep-set eyes. For a dog of this size, their lungs are large, and their chest resembles a barrel. Dachshunds have a deep, loud bark that sounds like it belongs to a much larger dog as a result of these factors. They also enjoy barking, so if you have neighbors who might find your courageous little Dachshund’s antics annoying rather than entertaining, you might want to think about that. wire haired dachshund.
Additionally, dachshunds are frequently associated with Germany. Dachshunds suffered during World Wars I and II in the United States due to a number of factors, including this one. But their allure was too strong to ignore, and they swiftly resumed their previous level of prominence. Waldi, a Dachshund, was selected as the inaugural official mascot for the 1972 Summer Olympics due to its association with Germany. Dachshunds are a wonderful option for those without backyards and those who live in apartments. Due to their compact size and simplicity of maintenance, they are well-liked by city people. They usually like to go for walks and are active indoors. Just watch out that they don’t become obese or suffer back injuries from jumping off furniture. When you are holding them, make sure to support their backs as well. Their lengthy backs make them vulnerable to herniated or slipped disks in the back, which can cause either partial or total paralysis. Modern Dachshunds make excellent family pets, despite their ancestral heritage as fierce badger hunters. In addition, a lot of people compete with them in earthdog, field, obedience, and conformation trials. They are also devoted and highly valued therapy dogs. A few individuals compete in Dachshund races, like the Wiener Nationals, with their dogs. Despite the popularity of these races, the Dachshund Club of America is against “wiener racing” because many Greyhound tracks use them to attract large crowds, and the DCA is concerned that the races may cause back injuries to Dachshunds. wire haired dachshund . breeders
Long Haired Dachshund
To proceed, There are three different types of dachshunds, short haired, wire haired, and long haired. Dachshunds are classified as either standard (weighing between 16 and 32 pounds as an adult) or miniature (weighing 11 pounds or less) in the United States. Your Dachshund is referred to as a tweenie if his weight is between 11 and 16 pounds. The differences in sizes are more pronounced in other nations. For instance, based on a chest measurement made at the age of fifteen months, Dachshunds are classified as Standard, Miniature, or Kaninchenteckel in Germany, the official home of the breed. mini dachshund are the most widely used kind in the country. Their shiny, short coats require little maintenance. However, if you live in a cold climate, they do require a sweater in the winter. Red, cream, black and tan, chocolate and tan, blue and tan, and Isabella (fawn) and tan are common color combinations. Additionally, dachshunds may have coat patterns like dapple, brindle, sable, or piebald. Dapple is a mottled coat pattern.
Dachshunds frequently form a strong bond with just one person. If not properly trained and socialized, they may even develop a jealousy complex and become feisty. english cream dachshund .
The sleek, slightly wavy hair of longhaired Dachshunds can match the colors of smooth Dachshunds. To stop mats from forming, especially around their elbows and ears, they should be brushed daily. The Longhaired Dachshund is thought by many to have a more placid temperament than the Smooth or Wirehair varieties. The coats of Wirehaired Dachshunds are wiry, short, thick, and rough, and they have beards and bushy eyebrows. They’re often mischievous, just like Smooth Dachshunds. They don’t require a sweater in the winter, but they do require frequent brushing in order to keep mats from growing. Although their coat colors can be the same as those of the Smooth dachshund, the most common ones in the US are black and tan, various shades of red, and wild boar, which is a mixture of black, brown, and gray. Due to their widespread popularity, many dachshund breeders do so for financial gain rather than out of passion for producing wholesome, well-mannered dogs. Make sure your Dachshund comes from a reputable breeding kennel, such as ours, where we check all of our breeding puppies for health issues and good temperament. do dachshunds shed?.
The dachshund makes an adaptable friend. Almost everyone can find a dachshund that suits them, thanks to his diverse range of sizes, colors, coat types, and personalities. wire haired dachshund .
Wire Haired Dachshund Puppies
The dachshund breed originated in Germany, where it was referred to as the badger dog (dachs = badger, hund = dog). The 15th century is replete with illustrations of dogs that resemble dachshunds, and 16th-century records refer to the “earth dog,” “badger creeper,” and “dachsel.” It wasn’t just Badger that the dachshund hunted.
Additionally, he was applied to den animals like foxes, and packs of dachshunds followed boar. The sizes of those early dachshunds varied widely. 30 to 35 pounds was the weight of the dogs used on boar and badgers. 16 to 22-pound dachshunds were used to hunt deer and foxes, while smaller 12-pound dachshunds were used to hunt weasels and hares. Cottontail rabbits were bolted by 5-pound dachshunds for a brief period in the early 20th century.
Furthermore, In the 18th and 19th centuries, German foresters spent many years honing the breed, which they called the Teckel in Germany. The goal was to create an elongated, fearless dog that could burrow into badger burrows and, if needed, battle the badger to the death inside. The original breed of dachshunds was the Smooths, which was developed through crosses between the small French pointing breed Braque and the small terrier-type ratter Pinscher. The development of the dachshund may also have been influenced by French Basset Hounds.
It’s likely that crosses between different spaniels produced the long-coated dachshunds, and crosses between terriers produced the wirehairs.
The dachshund is currently the only breed recognized by the AKC that can hunt both above and below ground thanks to years of careful breeding. dachshunds could follow their prey down deep, narrow tunnels thanks to their short, strong legs. Hunters used the strong, long tails that protruded straight from the spine as a “handle” to extract the dachshund from its burrow. The paddle-shaped paws of the dachshund, which were abnormally large, were ideal for effective digging. The loose skin of the Smooth dachshund did not tear when the dog made its way through constricted burrows.
They had the endurance to hunt because of their deep chests and large lung capacities, and their long noses made them excellent scent hounds. Even their loud, deep bark served a purpose: it helped the hunter find his dog after it had burrowed itself into a hole.
They also needed to be brave and persistent, of course. Even the tiniest German dachshunds exhibit the bravery for which the breed was created, despite the fact that the original breed was larger than modern dachshunds. If you give your dachshund a squeaky toy, he’ll probably “kill” it by trying to get rid of it as soon as he can. Recall that these canines were bred to kill as well as hunt prey. Dachshund with dapples.
dachshunds began to be bred primarily for companionship rather than as hunting dogs in the 1800s, particularly in Great Britain. They were the preferred dog breed in all of Europe’s royal courts, especially Queen Victoria’s, who had a special affection for the dachshund breed. They lost roughly 10 pounds in size as a result of this trend. Over time, a smaller variant known as the miniature dachshund was eventually bred.
Nine years later, in 1888, the German dachshund Club was established following the writing of a breed standard in 1879. Eleven dachshunds were registered with the American Kennel Club in 1885, the year they arrived in the country. Dash was the name of the first. Ten years later, in 1895, the dachshund Club of America was established.
The breed increased to prominence in the early 1900s, and it was listed among the top 10 entries in the Westminster Kennel Club Show in 1913 and 1914. Due to their strong ties to Germany, the breed did not fare well in the United States or England during World War I. It was occasionally said of dachshund owners that their dogs were stoned and traitors. After World War I, a few American breeders brought some German dachshunds into the United States, and the breed’s popularity began to rise once more. dachshund puppies for sale nc .
Though not nearly as bad as during World War I, the breed suffered a similar fate during the Second World War.
In the United States, dachshunds rose to prominence as family dogs in the 1950s. once more, a position they have held since before World War I. In other parts of Europe, particularly France, dachshunds were still regarded as hunting dogs, even though they are not commonly used as such in the United States or Great Britain. Dachshund pronunciation: Currently, the AKC recognizes 155 breeds and varieties, with the dachshund coming in sixth. wire haired dachshund .
Dachshunds Temperament
Dachshunds temperament is affected by a number of factors including,
training, and socialization.
Puppies with nice temperaments are curious and playful, willing to approach people and be held by them. Choose the middle-of-the-road puppy, not the one who’s beating up his littermates or the one who’s hiding in the corner. Always meet at least one of the parents-usually the mother is the one who’s available-to ensure that they have nice temperaments that you’re comfortable with.
Meeting siblings or other relatives of the parents is also helpful for evaluating what a puppy will be like when he grows up.
Like every dog, Dachshunds need early socialization-exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences-when they’re young. Socialization helps ensure that your Dachshund puppy grows up to be a well-rounded dog. Enrolling him in a puppy kindergarten class is a great start. Inviting visitors over regularly, and taking him to busy parks, stores that allow dogs, and on leisurely strolls to meet neighbors will also help him polish his social skills. english cream dachshunds .
Dachshund Size
Dachshunds are bred and shown in two sizes:
Standard and Miniature. Standard Dachshunds of all varieties includes,(Smooth, Wirehair, and Longhair) usually weigh between 16 and 32 pounds. Miniature Dachshunds of all varieties weigh 11 pounds and under at maturity.
Furthermore: Dachshunds that weigh between 11 and 16 pounds are called Tweenies. While this isn’t an official classification, Tweenies are not penalized in the show ring. Some people who breed exceptionally small Dachshunds advertise them as Toy Dachshunds, but this is purely a marketing term, not a recognized designation. long haired dachshund .
Dachshund Personality
Dachshund is described as clever, lively, and courageous to the point of rashness. He’s bred for perseverance, which is another way of saying that he can be stubborn. Dachshunds have a reputation for being entertaining and fearless, but what they want most is to cuddle with their people. For many Dachshund people, this characteristic outweighs having to deal with the breed’s insistence on having his own way.
The Dachshund personality can also vary with coat type. Because the wirehaired Dachshunds have terrier in their background, they can be mischievous troublemakers. Longhairs are calm and quiet, and Smooths have a personality that lies somewhere in between. Some Mini Dachshunds can be nervous or shy, but this isn’t correct for the breed. Avoid puppies that show these characteristics. wire haired dachshund.
Dachshund Puppies For Sale NC
Breed: Dachshund
Age: 9 weeks
Champion Bloodline& Sired: Yes
Registry: AKC
Shipping Area: Pick Up/Shipping Available
Included Items:
• Registration• vaccinations• microchip• health guarantee• health certificate• food.
Breed: Dachshund
Age: 10 weeks
Champion Bloodline& Sired: Yes
Registry: AKC
Shipping Area: Pick Up/Shipping Available
Included Items:
• Registration• vaccinations• microchip• health guarantee• health certificate• food.
Age: 10 weeks
Champion Bloodline& Sired: Yes
Registry: AKC
Shipping Area: Pick Up/Shipping Available
Included Items:
• Registration• vaccinations• microchip• health guarantee• health certificate• food.
Breed: Dachshund
Age: 10 weeks
Champion Bloodline& Sired: Yes
Registry: AKC
Shipping Area: Pick Up/Shipping Available
Included Items:
• Registration• vaccinations• microchip• health guarantee• health certificate• food.
Breed: Dachshund
Age: 10 weeks
Champion Bloodline& Sired: Yes
Registry: AKC
Shipping Area: Pick Up/Shipping Available
Included Items:
• Registration• vaccinations• microchip• health guarantee• health certificate• food.
Breed: Dachshund
Age: 9 weeks
Champion Bloodline& Sired: Yes
Registry: AKC
Shipping Area: Pick Up/Shipping Available
Included Items:
• Registration• vaccinations• microchip• health guarantee• health certificate• food.
Dachshunds, however, are very energetic and physically strong. They enjoy digging and hunting, as well as going for walks and playing outside with other dogs. As long as they receive a moderate amount of daily exercise, they can thrive in small living spaces and are also active indoors.
Aim for two half-mile walks per day, lasting roughly ten minutes each. Sometimes, if there’s not much time, a game of fetch will satisfy their need for movement. wire haired dachshund puppy .
Once more, they belong in the house and are not fit for the outdoors or a kennel. Since jumping on and off furniture can cause back injuries on dachshunds, get them a ramp or set of steps and train them to use it when they want to get up on the couch or bed. A Dachshund’s back and chest should always be supported when you are holding him.
If given the right motivation, dachshunds are quick learners. To keep their attention, use food rewards or a favorite toy as positive reinforcement. Training sessions should also be brief. The Dachshund will quickly become bored if made to repeat the same exercise over and over, so make obedience practice fun and interesting. dachshund long hair .
Additionally, this breed can occasionally have issues with housetraining. It’s possible that a Dachshund won’t see the need to urinate outside. You have to be consistent and patient. Crate training is also beneficial.
Crate training is a considerate method of making sure your Dachshund stays out of things he shouldn’t, in addition to housetraining. Dachshunds can be mischievous as puppies, just like any other dog. Early crate training will also help your Dachshund come to terms with being confined in the event that he needs to be boarded or admitted to the hospital. blonde long haired dachshund .
Nonetheless, never leave your Dachshund confined to a crate all day. He shouldn’t stay in there for longer than a few hours at a time, unless he needs to sleep at night. It’s not a jail. Because they are people dogs, dachshunds shouldn’t live their entire lives confined to a kennel or crate. That is, we raise them in order to find adoptive homes.
While the Dachshund makes an excellent watchdog, he can be noisy. Particularly minis can be yappy. If your Dachshund will be residing in an apartment or condo complex, bear this in mind. wire haired dachshund .
Dachshund Feeding:
Furthermore, it is recommended that Dachshunds be fed 1/2 to 1 1/2 cups of premium dry food per day. Keep in mind that your adult dog’s size, age, build, metabolism, and degree of activity all affect how much food he consumes. Similar to people, each dog is unique, so their food requirements vary.
A dog that is an avid exerciser will obviously require more than a dog that is a couch potato. The type of dog food you purchase also matters; the higher the quality, the more your dog will benefit from it and the less you’ll need to shake into their bowl.
See our recommendations for selecting the best food, feeding your puppy, and feeding your adult dog for additional information on feeding your Dachshund. dapple dachshund.
Dachshund Coat Color And Grooming:
The coat of a Smooth Dachshund is short and glossy. Smooth Dachshunds with a single color are typically red or cream in color, sometimes with some black hair. Black, chocolate, wild boar (grizzled), gray (blue), or Isabella (fawn) with tan or cream markings are the most common colors of Smooth Dachshunds with two colors. The coats of Dappled Dachshunds are patterned in a dappled (merle) manner, with equal amounts of light and dark colors (neither of which is predominant). While solid- and parti-colored Dachshunds must have dark eyes and little to no white hair on the chest, dappled Dachshunds may have partially or completely blue eyes and a lot of white hair on the chest. Other color patterns include sable, which has a dark hair overlay, and brindle, which has dark stripes all over the body. Even more so: The coats of Wirehaired and Smooth Dachshunds differ greatly from one another. Their undercoat is softer, and their topcoat is made of short, thick, hard hair. All over the body, with the exception of the jaw, eyebrows, and ears, is hard topcoat hair. Although the Wirehair can be any color found in the Smooth Dachshund, wild boar is the most popular color.
To continue, the long, shining hair of Longhaired Dachshunds lends them an elegant appearance. They are available in the same color varieties as Smooth Dachshunds. Rather than the many tones of brown, light-colored Dachshunds typically have light gray, light hazel, green, or blue eyes. In rare instances, such as the double-dapple coloration (in which varying degrees of white coloring occur over the body in addition to the dapple pattern), Dachshunds can also have two different colored eyes, one blue and one brown. long haired dachshund.
Because they are a low-maintenance breed, Dachshunds are very popular. They shed, but not a lot. Because they are so needy, they usually don’t need to be bathed too often and don’t smell like dogs unless they’ve rolled in something smelly. To keep smooths clean in between baths, wipe them down with a moist cloth. When your Smooth Dachshund goes outside in the winter, he might need a sweater if you live in a cold climate. In order to maintain their best appearance, wire haired Dachshunds need to have their coats “stripped” two or three times a year in addition to regular brushing. Request instruction on how to do this from your groomer or the breeder where you purchased your Wire haired Dachshund.
To avoid matting, long-haired dachshunds need to be brushed frequently. Compared to Smooth dachshunds, they require more frequent bathing, and in order to maintain a nice coat, you must blow-dry them afterward. Most importantly, you should be especially aware of your dachshunds’ droopy ears as they can serve as a haven for bacteria, fungus, and mites. This applies to all breeds and sizes of dachshunds. Once a week, use a cotton ball moistened with an ear cleaner your veterinarian has recommended to clean the ears. Never insert a cotton swab deeper than the first knuckle on your finger, and never go inside your dog’s ear. wire haired dachshund .
Finally, but just as importantly, dental hygiene and nail care are additional grooming requirements. Twice a month, trim your Dachshund’s nails. They’re too long if you can hear them clicking on the ground. The experience of trimming your Dachshund’s nails will be less stressful the earlier you introduce it to them.
To get rid of tartar and bacteria, brush your teeth at least twice or three times a week—daily is preferable. To help your puppy get used to it, start when he’s still young. Check for sores, rashes, or infection symptoms like redness, tenderness, or swelling on the skin, in the ears, nose, mouth, and eyes, as well as on the feet, while you are brushing your Dachshund. The eyes should be clear and free of redness or discharge, and the ears should smell nice and not contain too much wax or gunk. Your thorough weekly examination will assist you in resolving any possible health issues early. wire haired dachshund .
Dachshund Health Issues
Even though not every dachshund will contract any or all of these illnesses, it’s still vital to be informed about them if you’re thinking about adopting one.
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
Back issues are particularly common in dachshunds. Genetics, moving the incorrect way, and falling or jumping on or off furniture are some possible causes of this. An inability to raise oneself on the back legs, paralysis, and occasionally losing control over one’s bowels and bladder are signs of a problem. It’s crucial to always hold your Dachshund with his back and rear supported. A dog may be treated with anything from surgery to remove the problematic discs to crate confinement with anti-inflammatory drugs. The dog may even be forced to use a doggie wheelchair. Some Dachshund owners have discovered that by bringing their dogs to chiropractors, acupuncturists, or rehabilitation therapists with experience treating dogs, they can help prevent issues. english cream dachshund .
Dachshunds are prone to seizures caused by epilepsy. It is believed that the illness in affected dogs is either inherited or developed as a result of a head trauma or fall. Take your Dachshund to the vet to find out the best course of action if he is experiencing seizures. Medication is often effective in controlling epilepsy. dachshund pronunciation.
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
This degenerative condition of the eyes eventually results in blindness due to the degeneration of the retina’s photoreceptors. Years before the dog exhibits any symptoms of blindness, PRA can be detected. Thankfully, blind dogs can still function normally because they can compensate for their blindness with their other senses. Just don’t start moving the furniture around all the time. Reputable breeders do not breed dogs with this disease and have a veterinary ophthalmologist certify the eyes of their dogs every year. For miniature longhaired Dachshunds, a PRA DNA test is available.
Dilatation-volvulus of the stomach (GDV) Also known as Torsion or Bloat: Due to their deep chests, Dachshunds may also be affected by this potentially fatal illness, which typically affects large dogs. When the stomach expands due to gas or air and then torsion, it results in gastric dilation. The regular flow of blood back to the heart is hampered, and the dog is unable to vomit or belch to get rid of the extra air in its stomach. The dog experiences a drop in blood pressure and shock. A medical emergency has occurred.
The dog could die if medical attention is not given right away. If your dog exhibits signs of bloat, such as a distended abdomen, excessive salivation, and retching without vomiting, it may be bloat. In addition, he might be weak, agitated, depressed, and have a fast heartbeat. It’s critical to take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as you can. Some evidence suggests that a predisposition to GDV is inherited.
Cushing’s Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)
The overproduction of cortisol in the body is the cause of this condition. It can also result from imbalances in the pituitary or adrenal glands, or from a dog having too much cortisol from other conditions. The most common signs of this condition are excessive drinking and urination; if your Dachshund displays these signs, take him to the vet. Treatments for this disease range from medication to gland removal. wire haired dachshund .
Canine Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Dachshunds can occasionally have diabetes, especially if they are overweight. Insulin injections once a day along with diet are two ways to treat diabetes. Indications include thirst, frequent urination, and weight loss in spite of an insatiable appetite.
Despite the fact that it is uncommon in this breed, double-dapple Dachshunds may experience hearing loss. Find out if the puppy’s parents underwent hearing tests using the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) method. While not universally accessible, this is offered at the majority of sizable speciality clinics and teaching hospitals affiliated with veterinary colleges. After the puppy is five weeks old, it can be done whenever you want.
Dogs that are younger than two years old are not eligible for health clearances from breeders. This is because certain health issues do not manifest themselves until a dog reaches adulthood.
No matter how healthy your dog is when you first bring them home, you should be prepared for any issues that may arise throughout their life. A pet insurance plan can help you stay ready for any of your dog’s veterinary needs. For this reason, it is often advised that dogs not be bred until they are two or three years old. wire haired dachshund .
Dachshund with Children And Other Pets
Lastly, if socialized to children at a young age, Dachshunds get along well with their own family members. Watch over playtime; they might not be as fond of your kids’ friends. The dachshund’s long back makes him susceptible to injury from improper handling. Make it a rule that the dachshund can only be held or petted when the child is seated on the ground. To avoid any biting or pulling of ears or tails on either side, always supervise interactions between dogs and small children and teach kids how to approach and interact with them. Instruct your youngster to never approach a dog that is sleeping or eating, nor should they attempt to take the dog’s food away. A dog and a child should never be left unattended. Particularly when introduced to other pets when still puppies, dachshunds get along well with other animals. They could become the most popular dogs in the world very quickly due to their fearless and assertive personalities. wire haired dachshund .
Our main goal is to bring together healthy puppies we Breed across the country to families ready to adopt and welcome them into their home at very affordable and fantastic prices
We take out time to observe and make sure our puppies are up to standard, health wise before we can breed them. We make sure our bitch to breed from is calm, friendly, and gentle for breeding.
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Monday – Friday : 8am – 7pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed